管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 14:46  点击:5417

题 名  保险代位权制度之超越  
作 者  张姝  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  民法学  
指导教师  徐卫东  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990404  
中文文摘  本文综合运用实证分析、经济分析、价值分析、制度分析等多科研究方法,层层深入地分析论证了保险代位权的发展趋向,创造性地提出了废止保险代位权的观点。本文共分为六部分,其主要内容如下:

英文文摘  The thesis discussed the tendency of the subrogation in insurance law by the study methods of practice analysis, economic analysis, value analysis, system analysis etc, and put forward a brand-new proposal of abolishing the insurer''s right of subrogation creatively. It is composed of sit parts and the main content is as followed:
There is overlap of the fields that t he insurance law and the tort law both regulated when the insured accident is caused by the third party, or the victim of the infringement act is insured. And so there is overlap of the remedies to the victim from both an insurer and a tort-feasor. To solve t he problem, the world''s insurance practices and 1aws established the institution of the insurer''s subrogation in order to prevent an insured from profiting from his loss.
However, the conventional theories of the insurer''s subrogation are not so substantial as it has dean expected.
The insurer''s right of subrogation faces the challenge of the history as the application of the subrogation in the practices has been exposed same abuse and limitation.
Then we demonstrate the necessity of abolishing the insurer subrogation.
At last, we put subrogation into the entire system of law to study the influence of insurance law upon the unity of the different institutions. However it should be emphasized that the issues involved are complex, and in the absence of empirical data either supporting or detracting from the various arguments that have been raised, it is not feasible in this short paper to come to a firm conclusion one way or the other as to the desirability of abolishing subrogation.

关键词  保险代位权,废止,经济分析,自由词  
分类标识  D922.2  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  39P


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