管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 14:26  点击:3508

题 名  股份合作制企业若干问题探析  
作 者  吴兰  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  经济法学  
指导教师  石少侠  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990395  
中文文摘  股份合作制企业经过10余年的发展,已具有相当的数量和规模。但是,关于股份合作制企业的理论研究相对滞后,目前学术界已有的全面、系统的论述还不多见,显然股份合作制还没有成为学术研讨的热点,这与股份合作制企业发展的现状很不相应。本文以股份合作制为研究对象,对有关股份合作制企业的若干基本认识和实践问题做以全面、系统的分析。

英文文摘  After more than ten years developing, Share-cooperative enterprises have been getting a great development not only in quantity, but in scale also. But the theory about them comparatively lags behind. The comprehensive and systematic expositions in the academic circle are rare. It is quite evident that Share-cooperation has not become a topic of general interest. It doesn''t meet the needs of Share-cooperative enterprise development. This thesis try to take Share-cooperation as an object of study, make a comprehensive and systematic analysis about its basic knowledge and practice problem.
The thesis is divided into five parts:
(1) The qualitative analysis about Share-cooperative enterprise;
(2) The Value analysis about Share-cooperative enterprise;
(3) The procedure analysis about Share-cooperative enterprise;
(4) The structure analysis about Share-cooperative enterprise;
(5) The rights and interests analysis about Share-cooperative enterprise.
Part One, Stating that Share- cooperative enterprise is one kind of independent and new type enterprise. The author uses the method of comparison and logical inference to answer what is Share cooperative enterprise. First, expressing the concept and characteristics of Share-cooperative enterprise from the outside to the inside. The author starts with the concept of Share- cooperative enterprise in Statutory law, gives it a new concept on comparative analysis basis, then compare Share-cooperative enterprise with cooperative corporation and joint-stock company from one to the other, further stress the individual character, refute Share-cooperative enterprise is a elementary joint- stock company, Co-opinion, or neither fish flesh, nor fowl in directly.
Part Two, Stressing on the inevitability of history and the advancement of institution. The author proves that Share- cooperation is a new type of enterprise institution which is compatible with the growth of the productive forces and market- oriented economy by using the facts of Share- cooperative enterprise''s creating and developing. Then from four aspects, the author States that Share-cooperative enterprise has blazed a trail in institutions in concrete terms. The express about the sense and value of Share-cooperation in this part echoes part one, further proves the author''s basic concept that Share-cooperative enterprise should be given independent status in law.
Part Three, the author points out the due procedures in the function of Share- cooperative enterprise, Among them, the author makes the focal points on some questions which are disputed in the academic circle, for example, the statutorily limited number of members and capital.
Part Four. Stating the individual character of the inside organization in Share- cooperative enterprise by comparing Share-cooperative enterprise and corporation, namely, practicing the institution of the staff-worker meeting and shareholder meeting.
Part Five. Stating how to assess transfer stock rights and the principle of distributing the profit surplus after taxes. Emphasizing that we should democrat enterprise capital, standardize stock right assessing according the requirement of market-oriented economy and of setting up modern enterprise institutions, avoid repetition of nominal ownership subject and interfering enterprise s management, safeguard the rights of enterprise and share holders conscientiously.

关键词  股份合作制,股权设置,股东大会,自由词  
分类标识  F121.29  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  32P


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