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题 名  缔约上过失责任若干问题研究  
作 者  郎芳  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  经济法学  
指导教师  石少侠  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990394  
中文文摘  本文从简略考察、评析缔约上过失责任的理论入手,围绕缔约上过失责任的概念及构成要件,缔约上过失责任与侵权责任、违约责任的关系、缔约上过失责任的请求权基础、缔约上过失责任的具体范围、缔约上过失责任的赔偿范围等,从比较法的角度,结合我国新颁布的合同法,联系司法实践中出现的问题,对缔约上过失责任进行了粗浅的探讨,在此基础上,提出了将缔约上过失责任纳入我国民事责任体系的设想。

英文文摘  In the first part of this thesis, the author examined several conceptions of responsibility of culpa in contrahendo commonly accepted, and puts forward a new conception or responsibility of culpa in contrahendo, namely, the responsibility of culpa in contrahendo is a civil responsibility to be assumed by a contract icy party who by violating the good faith principle breaches intentionally or negligently its pre-contract duties and causes personal or property damages to the other party who relies upon the former.
In the second part of this thesis, following a thorough examination on the relationship between the responsibility of culpa in contrahendo and those of tort and contract breaching, the author studied the nature of the responsibility of culpa in contrahendo, holding that the responsibility of culpa in contrahendo is an independent civil responsibility which is much different from tort responsibility as well as contract breaching responsibility. Due to such a responsibility, an obligation relation shall exist between the breach jug party and the other party. Lacking the character of conventional arrangement, the responsibility of culpa in contrahendo is a responsibility in law.
In the third part of the thesis, the author explored lie basis for claiming the responsibility of culpa in contrahendo. After a penetrating study on four doctrines, namely the doctrine of legal action, the doctrine of obligatory right, the doctrine of statute and the doctrine of good faith, the author believes the doctrine of statute is more acceptable, since duty is a duty established by statute. A basic abstracted from scattered rules that whenever due to a party''s fault, a contract can not been formed or became effective, and which leads to the damage of expected interests of the other party, the party with fault shall compensate the other party for the damages.
In the fourth part of this thesis, the author studied the application scope of responsibility of culpa in contrahendo. The author holds that the responsibility of culpa u contrahendo shall be raised mainly under the following circumstances: withdrawing or revoking or violating arbitrarily an effective offer, expressing untrue intention white negotiate a contract, violating auxiliary duties, violating preliminary agreement, contract becoming invalid or being revoked or modified. The Last circumstance may be sub-classified into three categories, namely a contract becomes invalid because of impossibility of performance; unauthorized agent and the responsibility when a contract becoming invalid or being revoked or modified accordin9 to Article 52 and 54 of the newly enacted Contract Law.
In the fifth part of the thesis, the author studied the compensation scope of culpa in contrahendo, insisting what should be compensated is the expected interests and the compensation scope shall not expand the performance interest with a few exceptions under some special circumstances including the party who is responsible acts with strong intention and the party is intential. to injure the other party. The Loss of expected interest consists of indirect Loss as well as direct Loss.
In the last part of the thesis, the author puts forward the suggestion that the responsibility of culpa in contrahendo be Integrated into the civil responsibility system establishing the "responsibility in contract Law" which consists of contract breaching responsibility, tort responsibility, responsibility of culpa in contrahendo and other responsibilities including responsibility derived iron non-performance of debt of undue enrichment and non-performance of debt of voluntary service. The author bell eves that the regulations on offer and acceptance, the principle of goon faith and the affirmation of auxiliary duty in our newly enacted Contract Law have provided a firm foundation for such a responsibility system.

关键词  缔约上过失责任,研究,自由词  
分类标识  D922  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  26P  


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