管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 15:43  点击:7195
题 名  盗窃罪问题研究  
作 者  董玉庭  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  刑法学(中国刑法学)  
指导教师  高格
学位级别  203  
馆藏索取号  2000001  
中文文摘  合法财产神圣不可侵犯,已经成为现代社会的基本法则。盗窃罪作为较古老的侵犯财产犯罪,一直都倍受刑法学界的关注,这不完全是因为盗窃罪对于社会秩序具有较严重的破坏性,还在于盗窃犯罪行为极具复杂性及因此产生了很多理论和司法疑难。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,不但对盗窃罪的基本理论问题展开了全方位较深入的研究,而且对盗窃罪在司法实践中可能出现的各种疑难问题实现了理论上的解决。全文内容主要包括以下七个方面:
英文文摘     Chapter One is supposed to survey the lawmaking history of theft both at home and abroad. On the basis of the survey, the author then turns to discuss the status quo of lawmaking and studying with regard to theft in China.
   Chapter Two attempts to define theft object in terms of criminal jurisprudence. Through a detailed analysis of the views of theft, such as "the view of ownership", "the view of ownership plus occupation", "the view of controlling rights" etc., which have exercised certain influence over China''s criminal circle, the author suggests that all these views have the limitations of their own, pointing out that in accordance with law, the term ownership is usually taken to mean: (a) ownership of civil rights and (b) ownership of legal system. As far as the concept of ownership is concerned, it is held that the ownership, as treated in criminal law with reference to theft is nothing but the ownership of legal system, concluding that theft object is the ownership system of possessions, public and private. T o clarify theft object further, he adds that theft target is the materialistic expression of theft object. Since it is far from easy to judge whether some special possessions are theft targets, the dissertation also takes pains to discuss the question whether special possessions, such as unmovable property, prohibited matter, incorporeal property, bonds (valued or valueless), the account or the code of telephone, communications lines, human bodies and human organs, are theft targets.
Chapter Three is intended to deal in great detail with act of secret stealing, theft subject and the subjective aspect of theft. Being the objective aspect of theft, act of secret stealing is usually considered to be one of the essential tokens for making difference between theft and other crimes involving possessions. To clarify act of secret stealing, the author goes further into the implication of the word "secret" in act of secret stealing, the process of secret stealing, the control of possessions on the part of the subject, and the avenues for secret stealing. Generally speaking, to commit theft, the agent or subject has to be human, not unit or organization whatsoever. The dissertation also suggests that the subjective aspect of theft refers to crime deliberation and crime purpose. To perfect it, the author makes a great effort to touch on the cognitive and will factors of crime deliberation, the differences between crime deliberation and crime purpose, and the subject''s mistakes in cognition with respect to theft target and stealth, as well as the legal responsibility s/he has to take because of the mistakes.
Chapter Four is devoted to exploring the issue of crime or crimeless in judicial practice. The author holds the view that to differ crime from crimeless is nothing but to make difference between theft and commonly seen stealing, concluding that factors for judging theft are variegated, of which theft number is the most important, though not the only denominator to be applied in reality.
   Chapter Five aims at theoretically differing theft from other similar crimes. In view of the fact that in judicial practice it is rather difficult to distinguish theft from other similar crimes like robbery, snatch, fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, jeopardizing public security, destroying public or private possessions, and crime committed on computer, the author sets himself thinking closely, and offers his own constructive opinions as to how to tell one from another in theory.
   Chapter Six makes a detailed study of the patterns of theft. Being one of the complex issues of theft studies, patterns of theft are also one of the aspects hard to overcome in judicial practice. In view of this, the author first takes into consideration patterns of theft like theft preparation, theft stopping, and then goes on to discuss the standards for differing accomplished offense from unaccomplished offense and the definition and categories of theft committed with one or more accomplices. Having briefly analyzed the seven standards for judging accomplished theft, the author makes a more thorough study of "the controlling view" suggesting that this view is well grounded. The author also explores the issue as to how to understand the control of possessions under real judicial circumstances. He then turns to discuss the influence of the subjective deliberation of theft and theft number on accomplished or unaccomplished theft. The chapter also gives much attention to the features of theft committed with one or more accomplice, its forms, and the responsibility it causes.
   Chapter Seven takes three issues as its object of inquiry.

关键词  盗窃罪,刑法,司法,自由词  
分类标识  D924.35  
论文注解日期  20000410  
总页数  119P

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