管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 15:42  点击:5565

题 名  夫妻间侵权法律责任研究  
作 者  李晓娟  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  民法学  
指导教师  王卫东  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3980468  
中文文摘  男女平等是我国法律的一项基本原则,夫妻间违反法律规定的权利和义务,也成立侵权行为。由于传统观念的影响和权利意识的淡漠,夫妻间侵权现象时有发生,但是,婚姻家庭法律在处理此问题上却存在着严重缺陷。本文从法律责任研究的角度对夫妻间侵权行为进行具体分析,探讨改进相关法律规定。

英文文摘  It is a fundamental principle that woman equals man. Tort often happens between wife and husband because of the influence of traditional idea and indifference of right consciousness. However, family and marriage law has serious drawback in solving that problem. This thesis makes a specific analysis of tort. between wife and husband to study the improvement of relative law.
The whole thesis consists of three parts.
Part one sets forth the author''s fundamental view on tort between wife and husband. It points out that there are mainly two kinds of tort between wife and husband: personal tort and property tort and the validity of marriage has a great influence on the establishment of tort between wife and husband. At the same time it definitely states that the torter should take his liability in pursuit of justice, peace and harmony between wife and husband. At last it expounds the developing trend of legal stipulation. Concerning tort between wife and husband.
The second tort systematically discusses the form of tort liability between wife and husband: civil liability on the basis of the basic theory of part one.
Part three make a specific analysis of Chinese law concerning tort between wife and husband, and lay his fingers on the insufficiency of the legislation and judicature of China, and make some suggestions to definite the liability of tort between wife and husband. It emphasizes that the compensation for mind injury can be implied to tort liability between wife and husband.

关键词  夫妻间侵权,婚姻家庭制度,自由词  
分类标识  D923.9  
论文注解日期  19971210  
总页数  45P


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