管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 15:23  点击:5437

题 名  当代中国的审判方式改革:比较法视角的研究  
作 者  刘小楠  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  法学理论  
指导教师  杨亚非  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990432  
中文文摘  我国八十年代末开始的审判方式改革虽然已经取得了阶段性的成功,但仍存在一些弊端,并缺乏对已有改革的深入研究和进一步改革的理论指导。本文试从比较法的视角,不仅把我国的审判方式改革放到中国整体的司法制度、法律观念的变革中来考察,而且把它与世界审判方式的变迁相联系,通过回顾我国审判方式改革走过的历程,反思我国移植借鉴世界两大主要审判方式审问制和对抗制的得与失、利与弊,提出进一步改革的展望与构想。

英文文摘  The China''s trial reform which began from the end of the 1980s has achieved some phasing achievements, however, some shortcomings still exist in the system and the ongoing and further reform are still lack of theoretical instruction. From the angel of competitive law, this paper try to research the China''s trial system reform both from the transition of legal thought but from the its linkage to the world reform of trial system. Through rethinking of the process of China''s reform of trial system, the strengths and weakness, the good points and shortcomings are pointed out and the expectation and instruction of the further reform was given.
Three parts were divided in the paper. First part was the reviewing of China''s trial reform. The transition of China''s reform from the establishment of P. R. C was revived by a time order. First, the basic situation before the trial reform was introduced and the shortcomings were detailed discussed. From the ongoing analysis, the necessity of trial reform was proposed and the starting up, the process, the phasing achievement and the shortcomings of the trial reform from the end of the 1980s were mainly focused.
The second part is the rethinking of the China''s trial reform. The reviewing of the history is not necessary for the further reform. Through rethinking the trial system of inquisitional proceedings in Rome Law and the adversary proceedings in the Common Law, the premise to ascertain the China''s further trial reform was made. In this section, the history, basic characteristics, strength and shortcomings of the inquisitional proceedings in Rome Law and the adversary proceedings in the Common Law as focused and the reason that China should refer them were discussed.
The third part is the expectation. Based on the reviewing and rethinking of China''s trial reform, the destination model of further reform was designed and the specific method was also explored. In the aspect of designing the target model, the mixed model with Chinese characteristic in reforming China''s trial system should be chosen on the basis of the rethinking. In the aspect of the way to the new trial system, the mission of further reform should focus on the thought transition and the establishment of the necessary proceedings based on the legislation perfection.

关键词  对抗性,审问制,混合制,改革,自由词  
分类标识  D920  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  48P


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