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题 名  盗窃罪实务问题研究  
作 者  刘志强  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  刑法学  
指导教师  吴振兴  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990390  
中文文摘  盗窃罪是人类历史上最古老的罪名之一,也是现代社会最常见、最多发的一种侵犯财产权利的犯罪。近年来,盗窃犯罪已呈现出一些新的特点。犯罪分子的犯罪手段和犯罪形式的选择日趋多样化,智力型犯罪不断增多;同时,犯罪分子中流窜犯罪、团伙犯罪和未成年犯罪突出。这些新情况、新特点反映当前盗窃犯罪的复杂性和严重性。我国刑法学界和司法实务界对盗窃罪的许多方面的问题进行了卓有成效的研究,但是,在知识经济时代,最常见、多发的盗窃罪同样会面临着实践中出现的新问题和理论中的新难题。因此,本文在借鉴现有成果的基础上,以新刑法实施为契机,对盗窃罪研究中的一些问题进行了重新的思考。由于本人专业知识和见识有限,论文准备时间仓促,错误之处,请导师和各位专家、同仁不吝指正。
一、 盗窃罪的犯罪对象问题

英文文摘  1. The problem of larceny''s suffer
The thesis according to the character of sufferers, study theory bonds, and draw a personal conduction. I think the sufferers of larceny have such character, the objects of larceny should be public and private belongings which have to controlled and restricted by law regulations, and also it should ye able to represent both the right of belongings and the economic value. During the concert identification of the special objects, the following four aspects have been investigated whether to be the objects of crime: 1. real estate problem; 2. information resources problem; 3. service problem; 4. the problem of losing or forgetting something.
2. The problem of larcenies amount
I have done a lot of investigations on the implication of larcenies amount and also the advantages and disadvantage of the amount standard in judicial practice, and then I''ve proposed my own ideas. As for the larcenies amount, first I analyzed its implication, and then I looked at the advantageous aspect from the point of view of the legislative intent and also many defects of the existence of legislation from the point of view of judicial practice. As for the number standard, I investigated this problem from three aspects: (1) analysis whether to set up the number standard from three aspects. (2) the method of calculation and the system of arrangement should be normalized and rationalized. (3) during the explication of perfecting the legislation and judicial practice, I put forward a new proposal about the amount and amount standard.
3. The problem of many times stealing
This is a great revision of larceny for criminal law. (1) the difference between many times stealing and habitual stealing lie in their legislative purpose and basic characteristics. (2) the concert identification of many times stealing indicates the difficulty in its judicial practice. (3) the punishment of many times stealing indication the problems of many times stealing indicates the problems of punishment. (4) to solve the difficult problem of perfecting the legislation from the penal policy.
4. The behavior formation of the larceny.
(1) The legal implication for the 搒ecret?has been defined, and it is also not suitable to the need of cracking down on crime. (2) The legal implication of 搒tealing?totally represents its objective characteristics. (3) I analyzed the crimes of embezzling, stealing and selling. These two kinds of crimes frequently exist in people''s life and judicial practice, but they don''t cause much attention on the larceny.
5. The subjective characteristics of larceny
(l) As for the intentional content of larceny, it has three levels of meanings: firstly, criminals realized clearly that its stealing objects are other'' belongings, second, criminals know clearly its stealing behavior will do harm to other''s belongings and ignore the bad result intentionally, thirdly, criminals make a choice of 搒tealing?clearly which can achieve its purpose of owning illegally under the control of its subjective attention. (2) The content of 搕he purpose of owning illegally? Firstly, basic meaning. Secondly, discrimination of the aim of unlawful own: I think it means that the person wishes to own something subjectively by the meaning of stealing behavior. In the double characters of the second purpose, it is mentioned that double purpose brought a serious of trouble to judicial practice and the theory of criminal law. The rules will conform to the actual situation if we change 搕he aim of unlawful own?into 搃ntending unlawful own. At last I point out: to all the behaviors of taking public or private wealth without the aim of unlawful own should be firmly believed as larceny.
6. The transform of the larceny
(l) The component feature of the transform of the larceny. It mentioned that transform should have conditions, changes of subjective and objective expressions took place. (2) Holding the transform of the larceny, the article discussed the detail holdings problems of the two transform types from judicial explanations and practice. (3) Compare and evaluation of the larceny transform, the thesis compared the other criminal situations and evaluated them.
7. The problem of comic larceny
(1) Standard between comic and uncomic larceny, there are lots of ideas in domestic and abroad. It has eight ideas concepted: touch idea, transform idea, hide idea, uncontrol idea, control idea, uncontrol + control idea, get idea, loss idea. After analyzing its advantage and disadvantage, I appreciated with the fifth point control idea, and also make a further understand about factual control of control idea. (2)In my opinion about control idea, the thesis put thesis put in the idea of control possibility, and to explain it.
8. The conf in between larceny and other crimes

关键词  盗窃罪,自由词  
分类标识  D924.11  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  76P


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