管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 13:50  点击:3526

题 名  串通投标罪的理论与实务研究  
作 者  郭晓光  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  经济法学  
指导教师  李洁
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990388  
中文文摘  市场经济,可以极大地激发人们的积极性和创造力,充分发挥人们的智能和潜力;但另一方面,又极可能诱发人们私心、私欲的膨胀,尤其是在利益多元化的经济环境下更为突出。当人们的积极性和创造力运用于正常轨道,依法生产,合法经营,诚实劳动之时,社会的经济得到迅速的发展,同时,公民个人或单位组织的合法利益也会相应地得到实现和满足。相反,当这种积极性和创造力被运用于追逐一已或一单位之私利,尤其置国家、社会和他人的利益于不顾,一味地、极端地追求自己的不正当利益,甚至不惜以身试法之时,其结果必然会使社会经济的发展遭受极大的侵害,同时也会使公民个人或本单位利益遭受损害。破坏社会主义市场经济秩序的犯罪,就是商品经济、市场经济环境下,人们被激发出的积极性和创造力被一些私心、私欲恶性膨胀的人违法滥用的典型表现。从范围上看,它已经深入到我们生活的各个领域。从主体看,从自然人到单位组织,破坏社会主义市场经济秩序的犯罪几乎无处不有。

英文文摘  The crime of demolishing the orders of socialist market economy is the typical expression that in the circumstance of commodity economy and market economy, some persons with viciously expanding selfish motives and desires illegally misuse people''s arousing enthusiasm and creativity. Considering from the scope, the offense have penetrated every fields of our life; and considering from the subject, from natural person to unit organization, the crime of demolishing the orders of socialist market economy may be everywhere.
The crime of collaborating tendering is a typical one of the crime of demolishing the orders of socialist market economy. The said crime severely infringes the basic principles of socialist market economy activity, i.e. honest, fair, impartiality and legality, and extremely injuries the healthy development of socialist market economy.
The crime of collaborating tendering is a kind of criminal offense that bidders collaborate the quoted prices each other and damages the benefits of the persons inviting a tender or other bidders with severe details, or the bidders and the persons inviting a tender collaborate for the tender and damages the lawful benefits of nation, collective or citizens.
The action of collaborating tendering has shown relatively huge social harmfulness at present. First, the action of collaborating tendering makes our nation and persons related to the tender suffered huge economic losses. Second, the action of collaborating tendering mingles with the acts of offering and/or accepting a bribe, and make some lawless persons attained their goals of power-money transaction and embezzling. Third, the action of collaborating tendering restricts the fair competition of the businessmen and demolishes the orders of market competition.
Considering from its objective aspect, the crime of collaborating tendering infringes the objects that is the mixed objects as it not only infringes the state''s regular administration for tendering activity hut also damages the lawful profits of nation, collective and relevant citizens. Especially it infringes the profits of property of above objects and disturbs the normal orders of market competition.
Considering, from the features of its subject, the situation of the subject is comparatively complicated.
Considering from the features of subjective aspect of the crime of collaborating tendering, the expression in the aspect of subjective of the said crime can merely be intentional and can only he direct intentional.
The collaborators are fully aware that this action will damage the lawful profits of nation, collective and citizens excerpt the relative party or the relative person, but they participate or don''t interfere with the occurrence of these results. Both negligence and indirect intention don''t constitute the said crime.
The styles of conduct of the crime of collaborating tendering mainly have two kinds. One is that prior to or in the course of tendering, the bidders collaborate the quoted prices each other and damages the benefits of the persons inviting a tender or other bidders with severe details. Essentially, the collaboration belong to the action of restricting competition by agreement, i.e. the bidders jointly implement the action of restricting competition by signing an agreement in order to avoid the grueling competition between each other. The aim of them is seeking exorbitant profits and the final purpose of them is monopolizing the market. Another is that the bidders and the persons inviting a tender collaborate for the tender and damages the lawful benefits of nation, collective or citizens. By colluding with the persons inviting a tender in secret, the bidders make other bidders not having fair competition conditions to participate in the tendering. Then, inviting and submitting a tender becomes a mere formality and the bidders who have actual strength lose the chance to enter the deserved business scope and have suffered undeserved economic losses. Thinking about the present action of collaborating tendering, the collaboration of the bidders and the persons inviting a tender is more universal. The bidders take advantage of the avarice of the working personnel in charge of inviting a tender, use the means of offering a bribe, and compel the persons holding the power of inviting a tender and examining and approving to submit control. Even more, the said working personnel may wantonly embezzle the property of nation and collective ignoring the party discipline and the laws of the state.
The Crime of collaborating tendering also has a particular style of conduct, i.e. the certain bidder neither colludes with other bidders nor collaborates with the party of inviting the tender, but they try all means to find the chief executive of the region where the tendering project locates or the higher departments responsible for the units inviting the tender.

关键词  串通,投标,犯罪,自由词  
分类标识  D924  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  27P


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