管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 13:47  点击:3534

题 名  盗版的成因与法律对策  
作 者  于启莹  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  经济法学  
指导教师  马新彦
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990386  
中文文摘  本文是作者结合版权行政管理工作的实际所完成的一篇调研报告。全文共分三个部分:第一部分着重分析盗版的现状;第二部分着重分盗版的成因;第二部分着重研究盗版的法律对策。

英文文摘  The thesis is completed based on the practice of administrative management of copyright protection. It composed of three parts. In Part One, the reality of piracy is described. In Part Two, the reason how piracy comes into being is discussed. In Part Three, the proposals against piracy are propounded.
In Part One, firstly, the concept of piracy is mentioned, which means someone copy and distribute the works of the others illegal for economic purpose. Secondly, the reality of piracy is descriptor minutely. Piracy exits in almost every country in the world. In China, the piracy in the area of publications of book, film, audio- visual works and software is rampant. Thirdly, there are six characters about piracy in China nowadays: the quality of the pirate is enhanced; the quality of the pirate goods is higher than ever; the speed of piracy is faster than ever; types of works a which is pirated are more than ever; the consumer market of pirate goods is enlarged; the piracy net has formed. Fourthly, piracy makes serious hurt on author, publisher, consumer and country.
In Part Two, the reasons how piracy come into being is discussed minutely and all-sided: the consumer market of piratic goods is very large; people do not realize the bad of piracy; some hardware industries develop so fast that software industries are far back; the author have no strong desire to beat the pirate for various reasons; the degree of beating piracy is not high; the pirate pursue their own benefit strongly.
In Part Three, the legal proposals against piracy are researched carefully. Firstly, the shortcoming of the existing law is pointed out. Secondly, eight legal proposals against piracy are propounded clearly.

关键词  盗版,成因,法律对策,自由词  
分类标识  D923.4  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  35P


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