管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 12:23  点击:4076
题 名  信用证欺诈相关法律问题研究  
作 者  刘东平  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  经济法学  
指导教师  徐卫东  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990374  
中文文摘  信用证结算作为国际贸易的主要结算方式,自本世纪以来,在国际经贸领域被广泛采用。信用证结算方式以银行信用弥补了商业信用的不足,使国际货物买卖更加安全、方便、快捷,对维护国际经济秩序,保护各国商人的合法权益,拓展金融机构的服务领域,降低国际贸易的风险,都发挥了积极的作用。与此同时,国际上一些犯罪集团或不法商人,利用熟知信用证规定的便利,利用信用证的某些漏洞,对我国内企业大肆进行信用证欺诈,给受骗方造成巨额财产损失,严重扰乱了正常的国际贸易秩序,有些人甚至动摇了对信用证制度的信心。因此,完善相关立法规定,加大对信用证欺诈的打击力度,已经成为各国的共识。

英文文摘  Credit fraud can be appeared as following types from the position of principle party; that fraud by applicant, fraud by beneficiary, fraud by cahoot of applicant and beneficiary, fraud by cahoot of applicant and issuing bank, etc. among which the most fraudulent way is the "soft clause" set up by applicant. In view of the above constitutes for L/C fraud it can be briefed that fraud should be cognized both in subjective and objective that means there should be a fraud intention from the subjective and a fraud implementation from the objective. Fraud will be formed only when both subjective and objective are available. It is to be noted to distinguish the L/C fraud from severe L/C default. All fraud cases should be analyzed according to particular circumstance, to confirm whether the suspect has fraud intention in his subjective.
It can be found through perspective to the forms of fraud that "independent absolute principle" of L/C system is the main factor resulting in fraud. Because as long as L/C issued and existed it will not be bound by the agreement between seller and buyer. L/C deal is for document transaction, the issuing bank will make sight payment unconditionally subject to the documents appear on their face to be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit. And this very principle provides the chance for deceiver to fraud. In order to remedy such defects in L/C system itself it is necessary to stipulate "fraud exceptional principle", that means in situation of fraud existing the liability of payment by the bank can be exempted. In addition, L/C fraud has feature of internationalization, the deceiver and the victim sometimes are not from the same country, it not only disables the accusation to the criminal but also makes difficult to look into the civil liability, there are no special regulations made through uniform legislation in the world, most of the countries (except very few countries like U.S.A. etc.) have no lawmaking regulation on credit fraud, all these factors weaken the power to strike the criminal Owing to preliminary establishment of socialist market economy system in our country the mechanism of internal operation, administration, restriction, etc. is not perfected operation with credit is not mastered, and internal guard against fraud is neglected by some domestic bank, all the above mentioned also provide a warm bed to fraud to occur.
In case credit fraud occurred it is very important to select one suitable way to rectify it to minimize the losses caused thereof In view of credit practice there two options of remedy; one is of self-remedy conducted by concerned party who apply the issuing bank for payment and another one is to apply for court to notice suspend order by other party. Upon analysis, review on the present situation of credit criminal home and abroad, and using the experiences of other countries as America who had established better legislative regulations on credit system I would like to forward some of ideas and opinions as following. At first applicable law for remedy to credit criminal with civil relief should be solved. Actually credit fraud is a criminal of infringement act. The applicable law to credit should be defined on the basis of infringement act as local law. At this time even if there are conditions of arbitration stipulated in credit or documents the victim still has the right to bring a suit against infringement, and court should accept the complain without limit. In trial practice credit fraud should be treated as an independent case. Freezing condition should be strictly governed before issuing the order. Normally there should be sound proof to credit fraud and credit should not have been settled finally between the issuing bank and beneficiary, or bearer of bill is not holder in due course. In addition freezing order should be restricted strictly both in terms of extent and time duration. Because once letter of credit was issued or negotiated under the circumstance of document which appear on their face to be in accordance with the terms and conditions of credit the hank should undertake the responsibility as the first payer, it won''t affect the liability of the bank to make payment no matter payment for goods or security was frozen by the court or not. Therefore it is not accurate in present judicial interpretation of notice of the freezing order using the practices of America and other countries for reference it is better to issue the stop order by court. Whereas there are no such stipulations in civil law it is suggested to add such items to it and to allow it fit for the uniform global economy trend, hence legal right and interest of bank and sectors of our country can be protected, and we will be in active position in credit dispute.

关键词  信用证,欺诈,法律研究,自由词  
分类标识  D996  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  47P

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