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题 名  抵押权效力及实务研究  
作 者  白金城  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  经济法学  
指导教师  石少侠  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990370  
中文文摘  不良债权是当前困扰我国经济发展的重要因素之一,解决不良债权的根本出路在于担保。抵押担保由于能够同时满足现代经济社会对债权担保和担保物经济效用发挥的双重需要,因而,已成为许多国家运用最为广泛的一种物的担保形式。然而,在我国,目前对抵押制度尤其是抵押效力问题的研究还有许多不足,现行立法也存在一些问题,因此,本文选择了把抵押权效力问题作为研究对象。本文除前言外,共分四部分。
一、 抵押权与土地使用权并存在司法实践中是屡见不鲜的,根据《担保法》之规定,抵押人可以将自己依法有权处分的国有土地使用权进行抵押,经登记机关核准登记,债权人即可依之对抗第三人优先受偿。当抵押物被征用后有权对抵押物被征用而能够取得的补偿金享有优先受偿权,作为有义务协助的第三人在接到人民法院协助执行通知后应履行该法定义务,如不履行应依法追究其实体责任,以体现法律的权威、法律文书的强制力(案例中没有追究属判决之不足)。
二、 抵押权与承包经营权部分,承包经营者对自己承包经营的财产有相对处分权,故根据《担保法》规定,承包人可以把承包财产作为抵押物以实现自己的经济利益,此行为应认定合法有效,但抵押效力是否及于因承包经营而带来的利益,实践中分歧很大,本文以天然孳息为例,从六个方面阐述自己的观点,即天然孳息非从物,只要事前无约定,即不能推定其受抵押权之限制,否则任意扩大了抵押物的范围,损害了抵押人的利益。
三、 抵押权与租赁权部分,本文从分析案例的角度解决《担保法》没有明确规定的抵押在先租赁在后情形下如何处理抵押权和租赁权的关系问题,并结合外国立法提出我国立法建议,租赁在后的期限不应超出抵押期而存在,如超出,抵押权人有权申请解除该租赁关系,从而能够在价金和时间等方面最大限度地保护抵押权人的合法利益,执行无障碍。

英文文摘  Part one Talk about the legal relations of mortgage. It discusses in detail four issues concerning the pledger, mortgage creation and registration, its subject matter, and the effect of mortgage. On pledger, the author explains what it is and what qualifications it should bear. That is the pledger should firstly be a person with complete capacity who is able to take on legal responsibilities for his own actions. Provided the pledger has no full capacity, mortgage is still effective if approved by his legal proxy or his guardian. Next, it is necessary for the pledger to enjoy ownership and right of disposing over the collateral''s. On the subject matter of mortgage, the author begins with elaborating the its features and requirements eroding to guarantee law of our country, both chattels and real estate as well as rights may be regard matters. The thesis here considers that one part or several parts of the houses under construction, and one part of the land-use right may be instituted as mortgage.
Part two firstly briefly expounds the definition and essential features of usufructuary right. Then discusses how to determine the effect and the sequences in judicial practice among the relations between mortgages and land-use right. Mortgage and contracted management rights as well as mortgage and right of lease. Finally, the author analyses some legal problems concerned in order to provide references to practical jurisdiction and legislation.
The co-existence of mortgage and land-use right is never unusual. According to guarantee law. The mortgagors may impawn the land-use right under his legal disposal, and the creditor may thus oppose the third party''s priority in claiming compensation. Provided the land is expropriated. The creditors may still obtain the priority in claiming compensation. And the third party should carry out his legal duty after receiving the notice of cooperative enforcement issued by the people''s court. Otherwise, his legal responsibility will be prosecuted to give expression to the authority of the law and the coerce of legal instruments.
In regard to mortgage and right of lease, the author discusses by analyzing cases how to deal with their relationship in case that mortgage is prior to lease, which is not clearly defined by guarantee law. And the author further puts forward some legislative suggestions to our country on the basis of foreign legislations: when lease is later, its term should not exceed that of mortgage. And the mortgage will have a right to ask for dissolving the lease on condition of the excess of lease term. Thus the mortgages'' legal interest will be greatly protected as far as the term and money paid on a contract are concerned. Also, the execution will be carried out without obstacles.
Part three mainly concerns that mortgage is characterized by occupation without removal. The owner of the mortgage may still enjoy the right of use and the right to yields from his mortgage after the establishment of mortgage. Thus, the conflicts between mortgage and other guarantee may arise. In essence, the mortgage system is designed to protect the interests of the creditors. Meanwhile, it also needs to care the interests of the mortgagors, debtors and the third parties. Therefore the conflicts between mortgage and other real rights for security and priority are the practical sources of disputes on how to correctly deal with relations of different interests among mortgages debtors guarantors and third parties. Simply speaking, the concurrence between mortgage and other real rights for security and priorities is a major subject in studying the effect of mortgage. Consequently this part detailed explains the concurrence between mortgage and rights of pledge and cover consideration of the relationship between mortgage and such real rights for security as transfer guarantee and the reservation of ownership meanwhile, it also involves discussions on the guidance for legislation.
The author analyses the infringement of mortgage and its remedies. Fist based on the formation of theory of the infringement of mortgage the author thinks it is rather limited to resolve the problem of infringement by adopting the theory of subrogation on things. Instead, an integrate remedy system must be established. Next, the author explains that mortgagors infringe mortgages in two ways. One is that mortgagors improperly manage mortgages and cause loss of value, another is that mortgagors transfer or dispose mortgages without the approval of mortgages. The remedy methods against mortgagors'' infringement and far from enough in our country, the author promotes his view that besides the three remedy methods stipulated in China''s guarantee law.
The thesis ends with a brief conclusion.

关键词  抵押权,效力,实务,研究,自由词  
分类标识  D923.3  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  36P


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