管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 14:56  点击:5302

题 名  保险合同成立制度探讨  
作 者  杨华  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  民法学  
指导教师  徐卫东  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990416  
中文文摘  保险合同成立是保险法领域中的一个重要组成部分,是确定保险合同生效、履行保险合同权利义务的必要前提和基础。本文拟从理论、技术和意义等不同层面对保险合同成立予以系统探讨,以期建构保险合同成立制度的完整框架。

英文文摘  Formation of the insurance contract is one of the most important parts in insurance law, and is premise and foundation in determining the effect or performance of the insurance contract. This thesis is made systematically an inquiry into formation of the insurance contract from different angles, such as theory technicality and meaning.
This thesis is divided into three parts:
First, academic analysis on formation of the insurance contract. In theory, formation of the insurance contract follows consent principle, that is, the insurance contract will he established when the insured and the insurer come into consent, asking for formalities is just exception. The insurance contract is solemnity contract in principle. This is embodying in section 12 of the Insurance Act. In the courses of formation of the insurance contract, measure of benefit must be done between the insurer and the insured. Because the insurance contract is the adhesion contract and consumer, considering of the insured benefit in advance is another important principle in determining formation of the insurance contract.
Secondly technical analysis about formation of the insurance contract. The insurance contract will be established when two parties come into consent, the insurance contract is not a solemnity contract, nor is a practice contract. There must be have offer and acceptance or offer and counter-offer and acceptance in coming into consent between the insurer and the insured. General requirements of law of contract are applied, hut there is also some particular context of the insurance contract, such as, effect of an offer or formalities of an acceptance. All that is the result of carrying out the principle of benefiting for the insured.
Thirdly, meaning of formation of the insurance contract, researching for formation of the insurance contract, not only has academic value, but also has practice meaning. On one hand, the logical order about formation and effect of the insurance contract can be made clear in theory; system about right and obligation will be perfected. On the other hand, judicial will be guided.

关键词  同意主义,不要式性,投保人至上,自由词  
分类标识  D922  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  71P


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