管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 14:00  点击:3224

题 名  瑕疵行政规章形态、成因及对策  
作 者  邵新怀  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  法学理论  
指导教师  崔卓兰  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990392  
中文文摘  在我国,行政规章是法律体系的重要组成部分。它在行政管理活动中适用频率最高,越来越多的行政管理事项纳入行政规章调整之趋势有利于依法治国方略的实施。现实中的大量瑕疵行政规章产生的负效应也令人十分担忧,越来越多的瑕疵行政规章成为行政越权、弃权、违法、侵权和不当行政行为的主要方式和来源。归纳瑕疵行政规章的各种形态,剖析其成因,进而提出预防和矫正的对策,是一个极具现实意义的理论研究课题。

英文文摘  Administrative regulations, which are mostly used in administration, are important pails of law system in China. It helps realize the strategy of administering a country according to law that more and more administration items are brought into the adjustment of administrative regulations. A lot of actual defective administrative regulations have worrying side effects. More and more defective administrative regulations are beaming the main way and origin of overstepping the power, waiving the right, invading the right, breaking the law and being Improper. It is a very realistic theoretical research subject to classify defective administrative regulations, analyze the cause and put forward preventive and correct counter measures.
There are five types of defective administrative regulations: overstepping the power, waiving the right, invading the light, breaking the law and being improper Overstepping the power means those regulations without authorization or overstepping one''s authority. As to going beyond the authorized organs administrative fields and the scopes of their functions and powers empowered by the constitution and organic law, it has nine types, As to going beyond the authorization about special affairs m special laws and regulations. It has four types. Waiving the right me those that have been chosen about the authorization''s content and the scope, which has three types. Breaking the law means those that conflict clearly with the split, principle aid clause of the laws aid regulations, which has three types. Invading the right means those whose content invades the legal benefit of the other side,which has five expressions Being improper means those that lack rationality in forms (including some contents sometimes), which mainly has eight expressions. The above which are classified according to their different features can be also classified into three categories: 1. Overstepping administrative regulations, whose features are that they have no authorization by laws aid regulations or overstep the power. They are regarded invalid because of no basis from the authorizing law, regardless of their being obviously illegal or departing from the spirit pinci1ile and content,and  regardless of their being made out of goodwill 2. The regulations waiving the right, breaking dies law invading the right. 3. Improper regulations. It is necessary to deny them totally and revoke according to law through corresponding state organs just because the two formers have substantive defects.
Defective administrative regulations originate from no scientifically during the making of administrative regulations by administrative organs. 1. The features of administrative power and the nature of making administrative regulations.
2. The status of administrative organs and the system of administration. The administrative organs are both exercising organs and the subject, which decides that their motion and value inclination will be different from the power-owner.
3. Traditional law idea. The mentality of managing the people and "special privilege" bring priority and selfish d transposes the relationships between administrative organs and society, makes the administrative regulations show the tendency to value the administrative power and despise the citizen''s rights protection, think highly of management and look down upon service and take substance seriously and underestimate programmer.
4. The theory of administrative law and legislative system The practice of administrative law lacks the guidance of relative theories, which restricts the practice of administrative regulations.
5. Alternating systems. The unclear standard of good laws and the difficulty in judging and grasping their rationality lead to the diversifying value inclination in administrative regulations; the relationship between reformation and legislation is becoming more and more complex, to which the administrative regulations are hard to adjust; administrative power comes into market and selfish departmentalism prevails.
It is the first time that the article has studied systematically on the forms, the reasons and the countermeasures of defective administrative regulations. The judging and analyzing on defective administrative regulations are very original; The analyzing on the reasons and the countermeasures are very comprehensive, original and deep. The achievements are helpful to prevent and correct the defective regulations, improve the quality of administrative regulations and promote administrative law legality. The article is an important achievement in the applied research field of administrative law.

关键词  瑕疵行政规章,行政法,自由词  
分类标识  D912.1  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  45P


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