管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 12:19  点击:3479

题 名  论组织犯  
作 者  路军  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  法学理论  
指导教师  吴振兴  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990372  
中文文摘  本文是论述组织犯的专题论文。论文作者在分析组织犯诸观点的基础上,对组织犯的概念进行了重新界定,并对组织犯的范围、组织犯与其他共犯者的关系、组织犯的基本类型、组织犯的立法根据、立法方式做了比较深入的探讨。
一、 关于组织犯的概念界定问题关于组织犯有三种主张:一是特有类型说,认为组织犯是犯罪集团中的首要分子,起组织、领导、策划、指挥作用。二是等同说,认为组织犯是指犯罪集团和聚众犯罪中的首要分子,这种组织犯的观念与我国刑法第98条规定的首要分子的观念相同。三是一般类型说,认为组织犯是组织、指挥他人犯罪的人。一般类型说把组织犯的范围扩展到了集团犯罪以外。
二、 关于组织犯的范围
三、 关于共谋共同正犯问题的探讨
四、 关于组织犯的基本类型
五、 组织犯的立法探讨

英文文摘  First, the stipulation about the concept of organizing offender
There are three propositions about organizing offender: the first one is special type theory, which regard the organizing offender as the chief person who has the function of organizing, leading, plotting and conducting. The second one is parity theory, which regard the organizing offender as the chief person of criminal group and assemble a crowd to commit a crime. This concept is the same as the concept of chief person stipulated in the 98th issue of Chinese Criminal Code. The third one is general type theory, which regard the organizing offender as the person who organize and conduct other person to commit a crime. The general type theory makes the sphere of organizing offender outside the organized crime.
On the basis of analyzing three propositions, the author put for-ward the complicity theory of organizing offender. The author think the organizing offender refer to the person who establish criminal group, decide the criminal plot, conduct the criminal activities. (1) The establishment of criminal gang, which includes the establishment of criminal group and bole, is that the organizing offender organize the criminal person. (2) Drawing up criminal plot refer to the organizing offenders leading function in the criminal stage, he is the policymaker, not only the common plotter. (3) Conducting crime refer to the concert conduct of the organizing offender in the criminal stage.
Second, the sphere of organizing offender
The special type theory regards the organizing offender, who exists outside the group crime, as the separate accomplice in the criminal group. Party theory regard the organizing offender not only exist in criminal group, but also exist in assembles accord to commit a crime. The complicity theory regards the organizing offender as the type of Special and sophisticate coexisting accomplice. Furthermore, the organizing offender exists in special two - person criminal gang of complicity, the organization of gangland as well as common criminal bloc.
On the basis of common acknowledgement to the type of complicity in Chinese theory realm, the author reevaluate the type of complicity, point out a new type of special two-person accomplice and analyze the notion minutely.
Third, the probe of collusive coprincipals.
After introducing the fundamental proposal and the puzzle of theory on the concept of collusive coprincipals, the author proposes a selected way of solving collusive coprincipals.
The proposition of collusive coprincipals is to solve how to convict the person who involved in the criminal plot but does not have concert action. This is one of the hot - point problems discussed in the nations of continental law system, especially in Japanese Criminal Code realm. According to this problem, there are the theories of collusive coprincipals, indirect guilt, superior controlling principal etc. But all these theories do not solve the problem satisfactorily. We think the shortage of the type of accomplice in legislation and explanation result in this situation.
The criminal legislation of continental law system, which having remarked these problems, usually divide the accomplice into principal abettor and accessory, does not have the type of organizing of-fender. This is the main reason of making a mess when resolving the problem of conspirator. The organizing offender, as an independent type of accomplice, will resolve this problem perfectly.
We think the collusive consprincipals can be dealt with as organizing offender and accessory. The chief plotter of conspirator is the person who decides to commit a crime, the organizing offender. The common partner of conspirator is the spiritual accessory.
Fourth, the basic type of organizing offender.
The author deviled the organizing offender into the type of being on the spot and behind the scenes, inside the bloe and outside the bloe, organizing and unorganizing according to whether the person to be on the criminal scene while crime to be committed.
The organizing offender of being on the spot is the organizer of criminal scene. The organizing offender behind the scenes is the leader behind the scenes. The organizing offender in the bloe includes the organizing offender of common criminal gang and gangland. The organizing offender of outside bloe includes the organizing offender of criminal gang and special two-person accomplice.
The organizing offender of full liability should pay full responsible for the crime committed by accomplice. The organizing offender of partial liability should pay part responsible for the crime committed by accomplice.
The author probes into the legislation of organizing offender and analyzing the legislative foundation and pattern of organizing off ender in the last part of the article.

关键词  犯罪,组织犯,二人特殊共犯,自由词  
分类标识  D924.111  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  59P


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